Nailing your next Interview with our End-to-End Interview Guide

13 March 2021 Victoria Butt

End To End Interview Guide
Download a copy of our full Interview Guide here!
Parity Consulting's Founder and Managing Director Victoria Butt, together with Parity's Specialist Consultants, bring you this comprehensive "Interview Guide" to assist you in fine-tuning your interviewing skills, better understanding how to answer commonly asked interview questions and most importantly to prepare you for success!

In our interview guide, you’ll find:

1. The Interview Preparation Process

Interview preparation is one of the key contributors to your success when interviewing for a new role. It provides you with a strong level of understanding about the organisation you are interviewing with, as well as the actual role and the interviewers themselves.
Given your first 7 seconds are the most important for you to make a good first impression, it's essential that you show a potential employer that you're genuinely interested in the role, you have a solid understanding of the role/organisation/etc and can articulate your skills and experience in an impressive way. It can also be helpful in distinguishing yourself from other candidates. Continue through to our end-to-end Interview Guide for some great job interview preparation tips. 

2. Competency Based Interview Questions - and how to answer them

Your ability to answer competency based interview questions can often make or break an interview. Keeping the 3 keys in mind (Context, Action, Result), we have put together a few examples to assist you in how to best prepare yourself to answer these questions.

3. Questions YOU can ask in an Interview

The importance of formulating your own questions for an interview cannot be emphasised enough! They are a key tool to help you better understand the organisation, the role in question and the priorities of the hiring manager in relation to the role. The right questions will help you get a better perspective on the suitability of the role and engage your interviewers with your proactive interest in employment with them. Our guide will give you some examples of questions you can ask at your next job interview.

4. How to Answer some Common Interview Questions

Mastering the art of interviewing isn't just about answering questions—it's about understanding the nuances of communication, showcasing your skills effectively, and demonstrating why you're the perfect fit for the role. And preparation is key to delivering confident responses! In our Guide, we'll show you what the interviewer is looking for in your answers.

5. How to navigate counter offers?

Now more than ever, companies will want to avoid the pain a “knowledge gap” can cause when an employee leaves and it is costly for them to hire and train new employees. Often they believe if they make you a counter offer, they can avoid short-term loss - in this case you will most likely need to make a difficult decision, particularly as there can be ties which make it harder to leave a familiar environment.
However, when you get a counter offer, it's important to first take a step back and evaluate your current situation. Are you truly happy at your current job? If you're not, then the counter offer may not be the right option. In either case, it's important to make an informed decision - after all, our research has shown that 80% of people who accept a counter offer will leave within 6 months of accepting the offer (after all, most of the reasons for looking to leave their job in the first instance are still there).

Contact Us

If you are a Product Management, Pricing or Actuarial, Digital, Communications, Marketing or Data Analytics professional, this guide is your go-to for your next interview or job opportunity!​ You can also get in touch with one of our Specialist Consultants who can help you through the process - visit our Team page.
Download a copy of our full Interview Guide here!